Kenneth Michael & Associates
Career Checkup

Quick Information
Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
Experience Level

Skill Development

Are your skills currently in demand in the open marketplace?

Does your current position provide opportunities to learn new skills?

Are your written and verbal communication skills above average?

Is training available for you to reinforce your current responsibilities and develop new skills?

Earning Potential

Are you fairly compensated within your company?

Are you fairly compensated compared to the open market?

Is there room in your current position for consistent substantial future raises?

Are raises truly given based on merit (vs. fixed %'s)?


Are you perceived as promotable by your manager?

Is there room in your organization for you to grow and get rapid promotions?

Does your company consistently promote from within?

Do you get recognized for a job well done?

Quality of Life

Is your current position consistent with your goals?

Do you have quality company subsidized medical and dental insurance, disability, LTD, pension and 40lK?

Do you get reimbursed for continuing education and/or completion of advanced degrees?

Are you working "normal" business hours?

Do you desire a geographic move?

Work Experience
Check all that apply: Reimbursement General Accounting Decision Support Strategic Planning Budgeting Financial Management

For areas marked "Don't Know" would you like to discuss this with a KMA executive search specialist?




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Career Checkup

Take our Career Checkup for Healthcare Financial professionals.

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